
Meet The Owners

Welcome to our motel, where the rhythm of the waves echoes the heartbeat of Prince Edward Island. We are Kris & Cathy Fournier. As born islanders, being local is not just a label for us – we are deeply rooted in our PEI community. As true locals, we are dedicated promoters of PEI, eager to showcase the island’s beauty & traditions to the world. Our family roots run deep in this picturesque area, connecting us to the land, the sea, and the warm-hearted people who call this island home. From beach chairs to the aroma of salty air, or a beachside bonfire, our island motel is not just a place – it’s a warm embrace. Fueled by a love of traveling and a passion for sharing experiences, we make connections and form friendships. Join us in this adventure along with our family, where we share in our love of our island roots. Let us help make your PEI beach vacation a memorable one.

Meet Your Hosts

Husband and wife team, Dave & Tracy Clark, along with their 3 pups, Makara, Zoey & Willow, and cat Harley, moved to PEI from Ontario in July 2022, after having visited the island in 2021 and falling in love with it and the people.

They became close friends with Kris & Cathy from the moment they met, so when asked to move to North Lake to manage the motel for them, they jumped at the opportunity. Together these two couples have made numerous changes to the motel and property and will continue this trend to better the business and make this location a destination for all to visit and admire.

Contact Us


7 Cape Road, North Lake, PEI



Call 902-357-2228